
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Twenty-One States

Our home for the next 30 days
We have covered 21 states since September 14, 2010.  We have settled in for 30 days at Aquia Pines Camp Resort. It is a very nice RV Park and we are attempting to set up our satellite dish as I type this.  Can't miss any more fall season shows! We plan on making several day trips and spend time with friends in the area.  Dragging the trailer through DC would be a nightmare, LOL! We also plan on driving up into the New England area and checking out Lancaster County (Amish area) and Hershey, PA (CHOCOLATE!!!!).  Everywhere you look in this area, there is a battlefield, or someone famous was born there or died there, or slept there.  The names on all the signs read like an American History book.  I don't know if 30 days will be enough, but if my sister and I can see Washington, DC in 6 hours, Laton and I should be able to do this.

1 comment:

Traveling Bells said...

Gosh, I didn't think to count the number of states we visited this summer. I'll have to do that! Have fun. DC is awesome!